lördag 16 januari 2016

New jobb

It's sentimental and melancholy at the same time as I feel excited when I tell you this. 

The day I thought would come naturally in 20 years, will come in February. The day I speak of is my last employed day at H&M Hennes & Mauritz. I have had a wonderful and fun time during my +14 years in the company and I have learned so much from my colleagues, some have even become my best friends. It has been an honor and it is sentimental to meet and work with all of you the last few days I have left in Stockholm. 

The excitement is for my new employer Närkefrakt in Örebro. In February I will face a new business, new colleagues, new customers, new challenges etc as their CIO and I'm really looking forward to it. I bring 25 years of IT experience and I have so much to give while there is a lot new to learn. I am convinced that Närkefrakt will be a thriving environment where I can use my full capacity and develop together with the business. I can hardly wait to start contributing. 

Best regards / Mika Salo
Transitioning to CIO at Närkefrakt